First Home Buyers

Unlock your dream of homeownership with expert guidance and tailored solutions.

First Home Buyers

Do not be scared; NZ Mobile Mortgages is here to guide you. We know it’s your first time buying a house, and everything might look strange, frustrating, and time-consuming. This is bound to happen. But when you have a trusted mortgage company to guide you through, it becomes easier.

Getting a first home might be exciting to some, while it might be stressful to others, depending on the individual. We know that the process of securing a loan and getting other things done simultaneously can be tasking and time-demanding. That is why NZ Mobile Mortgages is here to ease your stress.

So, how is the process done?

1. Free Consultation: Here at NZ Mobile Mortgages, we arrange an obligation-free consultation to determine your plans. Also, this consultation will explain all the necessary steps needed by first home buyers to enable them easily acquire a loan. We gather the required information to give mortgage advice that meets your personal and financial needs. Yes, the expertise and service are free. We assign a mortgage broker to each client. This enables us to assess your present financial condition and provide subsequent advice.
2. Easy gateway to all major banks with one application: once you apply for our mortgage, we make sure that you get the greatest offer available. We have a direct relationship with banks, and we are able to negotiate the best deal for you. We generate multiple offers from banks and get you the best deal that meets your need based on your situation, thereby saving you as much money as possible.
3. Presenting the offer to you: once we’ve completed the negotiations, your assigned mortgage broker will meet with you. This will enable you to obtain a report on the best available deal and how it will greatly benefit you. They make things easy, transparent, and suitable for you.
4. Getting a Deposit: your loan deposit plays an important role in getting a mortgage. Usually, it is any amount you put upfront from savings or gifts for a home loan. The greater the deposit, the lesser the interest. You can get a deposit in several ways, either through your KiwiSaver Scheme (a voluntary NZ government saving scheme that puts aside contributions from your employees and you), personal savings, gifted deposits, or guarantors from family.
5. Moving into your new home: yes, this is usually the most exciting time. Once you’ve concluded to accept an offer, we arrange the mortgage to be set up with the bank. You do not need to worry about this because we will do all for you. All you have to do is move your load to your new home and continue with your plan for your new home.

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